Plastic Free July

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Plastic Free July is a Western Australian initiative that’s gained international momentum.

This year's message is clear: it's not about perfection. Simply choose one item to avoid during July and give it a try. We know that participating for a month helps establish lasting habits.

More than 100 million people have opted to ‘choose to refuse’ single use plastic during the month of July each year since 2011. Plastic Free July participants from over 190 countries worldwide are making a big difference by stopping around 300 million kilograms of plastic from polluting the world each year.

It means saying no to plastic wraps, cups and bottles.

It also means trying to steer clear of other typical plastic-encased grocery purchases such as milk, soft drink, meat, fish and other deli products, yoghurt, laundry and beauty items — and instead choosing those sold loose, packaged in cardboard or glass, or available to buy in bulk and transferred directly to your own containers.

You don’t have to be 100 per cent plastic free to take part, just committed to reducing your household’s reliance on single use plastics. It’s a great way to kick-start new habits and begin to understand how many pesky plastics sneak their way into your day to day.

Take the plastic-free pledge and discover helpful tips and solutions at the Plastic Free July website.